
Mentoring men where the rubber meets the road.

So what is mentoring at Iron Grip Ministries?

   There are many practical and tangible sides to mentoring that I'll get into below, but here at Iron Grip Ministries we recognize the power Jesus Christ has to change a person's life through a serious relationship with Him. Whether you had some kind of introduction to Jesus Christ as a child or adult and you want to rekindle that, have questions, or just not sure how and what I'm talking about, we should connect and talk.

   You might be looking at the word serious and saying what does that mean? The best way I can clarify the word is by repeating something that Jesus said in John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey my commandments. If you are interested in discussing this, even if you are not at the place of committing to Jesus Christ and just want to understand more of what I'm talking about, contact me. If at some point in our relationship you have no desire to build a relationship with Jesus Christ, my help will no longer be useful since God's word the Bible are the keys I use in mentoring.

   What is the the practical and tangible sides to being mentored? Let's start with what mentoring is not. I am not a legal adviser, a counselor or a psychologist. I am not here to make you better off financially or to somehow erase your past. What I can do, is be an encouragement to you as you learn a new life style. That may include helping you find other proper support groups, a home church, how to study the bible on your own, working on your car, learning to control your credit card and keep a checkbook or repairing relationships in your family. How to pick and surround yourself with people who will help you live the new life in Jesus Christ you have chosen. I guess I could keep going, but you probably get the picture.

   The mentoring relationship is pursued by the one that wants to be mentored. I am not here to forcefully change you and your lifestyle. If asked I will come along side you and assist you in areas that I am capable of and that I feel are beneficial to your new relationship with Jesus Christ.

Do you believe God loves you at your worst?

   Do you believe God's love is strong enough and flexible enough to love you throughout the rough and tumble that is the journey of faith?

   God is a God of unfailing love. God's love for you has a strength unlike anything else in this world. His love can handle your mistakes and your sins, your grief, temptations, mental health challenges, doubts, questions, faulty politics, and partially informed opinions.

   God's love can handle when you "do Christianity" the right way and when you do it the wrong way.

   His love for you is strong and solid and always calls you back to find out what true love is.

   God is love. Know this love. It is real.

   Written by Rachelle Wistrand of Wheaton Bible Church